Friday, June 26, 2015

  Laser vs Waxing
Ginny Brogan

   So, I have been considering laser hair removal. I have used depilatory creams, I have had waxing done, and now I shave. I hate the prickly feeling of stubble anywhere, but most of all in my bikini area. I decided to sit down with Taylor at the Mt. Pleasant Medi Spa and ask some questions before buying a laser hair removal package. One of the first bits of information I learned was it is "laser hair reduction".  Taylor calls it laser hair reduction, because there is always the chance that a few little stragglers will grow in after the treatment. The fact that I may see a few hairs down the road did not deter me. Here are the questions and answers from our conversation:
QWhy is laser hair removal better than waxing?
AIt is permanent and the awkward regrowth required for waxing is unnecessary.

QDoes it hurt?

ASome say they much prefer the laser discomfort to the wax-ripping discomfort. The little laser zaps could be compared to rubberband snaps.

QWhy do I hear differing opinions on the effectiveness of the treatment?

AThere are some major variables in the laser treatment. Number one variable is the quality of the laser.  A higher quality laser is understandably going to be more effective. Clients with dark hair are going to have a much better outcome than a client with light hair. The laser targets pigment and there needs to be a contrast in the skin and hair follicle. Clients with light skin in the desired treatment area are going to see much better results than a tanned client. It is highly recommended that you avoid any color in desired treatment area; going back again to the contrast between the hair and the skin.

QHow do I prepare for my visit to the Medi Spa?

AYou should not tan or fake tan the area you plan to have lasered. Also, you should shave the day of your laser appointment.

QWill I look okay to wear a bathing suit the next day?

AYes. Most clients only experience some redness for a few hours after the treatment.

QHow many visits will it take?

AIt varies with the client. Some as little as 6 visits and some as many as 12.

QSo, will that be it? I'll be guaranteed to not see any hair ever again?

AIt is recommended that you return and touch up the treated area once a year.

QDoes the spa ever run any specials on laser packages?

AYes. Keep an eye out for our emails when we announce our current specials.

     I enjoyed my visit with Taylor and she gave me honest answers regarding what I should expect from my laser treatments.  I am looking forward to my hairless-ness!

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